Friday, October 19, 2007

Tyler's Baptism

On Saturday, October 8th we celebrated Tyler's Baptism. It was a beautiful day, and we had a great celebration following with family and friends. We are honored to have our best friends Ann & Chris as Tyler's God-Parents, and they made the long drive down from Albany,NY to be here for the big day!
Benjamin continues to do well in school, and seems so big these days.....he is still the best big brother, and is always so excited to see Tyler when I go and pick him up from school. Today he surprised me by saying "Mom- our house is a planetarium"- that word sure seems like a big one for a 3 year old.....he even knew what it meant when I asked him! I'm thinking he must have learned it from either Curious George or preschool- most likely his buddy the monkey!
Tyler is also growing leaps and bounds and we cannot believe he is 5 months old already!!! He is smiling, giggling, babbling, and rolling over like crazy- even beginning to scooch/scoot when on his tummy. We are sure he must be teething too with the amount of drool he has, and time spent eating his hands!! He also grabs everything from hair to toys to Benjamin's sippy cup the other day, and looks as though he's almost ready to try rice cereal with the way he watches us eat! As you can see from the picture, eventhough Ann and Chris are trying to train him to be a fellow Yankees fan, he has taken an interest in his Daddy's team while reading one of his books!

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