Monday, November 26, 2007

Gobble Gobble

Benjamin met Sir Purr at the opening of the new light rail system in Charlotte.

November has been a month full of fun and visitors for Team Goguen. Memere came to town for the first two weeks in anticipation of Emerson's arrival, thankfully Memere was in town for her arrival on 11/18 and got to spend lots of time with the boys. Tyler celebrated his 6 month birthday on 11/17. Tyler has started eating rice and oatmeal cereal along with Bananas, so Benjamin enjoyed the donut on his birthday! Grampa, Sharl and Uncle Joey arrived and celebrated Thanksgiving in Charlotte, with a deep fried turkey of course.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Benjamin the Pirate and Tyler our precious Pea had a great time Trick or Treating in the neighborhood. Mom and Dad joined in and dressed as Sir Purr the Panther according to Benjamin and Curt Schilling, complete with a bloody sock! Benjamin really showed an interest this year leading his friends from house to house. He greeted those answering the door by saying "Happy Halloween" instead of Trick or Treat. Fun was had by all!