Sunday, November 30, 2008

Falling Behind...

Falling Behind

We have had quite a busy couple of months so it was about time we got caught up. October was highlighted by a weekend away for Sara @ the beach with her girlfriends. That was followed by a trip to the pumpkin patch and of course Halloween! In early November we traveled to Chapel Hill for a football game which the Heels won, it had been a couple of years since our last visit! We also celebrated cousin Emmi's first B-Day as Memere was in town. This past week we hosted Thanksgiving as Grampa, Gramma Sharl and Uncle Joe were in town for some deep-fried Turkey.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Boys on the Run & Having Fun

Team Goguen has been busy with the boys being on the run & having fun! September began with the beginning of the school year for both Benjamin and Tyler- Benjamin is in the 4 day fours, and Tyler is in the Monday/Wednesday Toddler class. Both boys love their teachers and are enjoying all that preschool has to offer them! Benjamin is once again enjoying Spanish and has been practicing tracing his name, cutting and is very proud to have learned the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.......Tyler has been learning his colors and has been having fun making new friends and making pictures with markers and stickers......Both boys are benefiting from and enjoying My Gym, Science, Music and their all-time favorite part of the day: playing on the playground! When I pick them up, we always bring home lots of sand from the playground sandboxes :) Tyler as you can see from the pictures is literally on the run- running to and from, and is our definite boy with no fear- loves to climb and jump, but has no depth perception on the playground, which can be scary for Mom and Dad who have to be ready at any moment to catch him! It's cute though watching him crawl up on Benjamin's bed to snuggle with his big Bro! Tyler also recently got his 1st "big boy" haircut- Rodica who cuts Jason and Benjamin's hair too did a great job making sure he still had some of those cute curls in the back! Just as Benjamin did, the Barbershop was where Tyler experienced his first lollipop. Big Brother Benjamin was there to cheer Tyler on, and has been having fun playing with his friends, learning new games at home (Candy Land is still his favorite) and catching up with his cousin Emmi! Benjamin and Tyler love playing with their little cousin who is soon to be one-year old! We've all enjoyed visits from our friends Francesca and Scott, and Jason's cousins Elliot and Oliver, who Benjamin refers to as "the big guys." Jason has been extremely busy with work these days, working very long hours, so our weekends are very precious! I have resumed picking up some daytime hours at work on the days both boys are in school, along with Sundays and occasional week nights as I continue to work towards my license in Clinical Social Work. We are looking forward to some fun Fall activities and will keep you posted on them all!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

2008 Vacation

Team Goguen drove to Cape Cod for vacation to visit with friends and family. We stayed in Falmouth with Memere and Charlie. We had plenty of beach time @ Woodneck Beach which was great for the kids! We searched for crabs, built sand castles and played in the water. Benjamin celebrated his 4th Birthday with a party and cookout. Tyler finally got to meet and play his great Grammy and Grampy! A day was spent in Chatham visiting Grampa, Sharl and Uncle Joe, the boys really loved the beach and playground. On the way home we made a stop in Albany to visit with Ann & Chris, we celebrated Benjamin's actually birthday and got stuck at the ice cream shop during a thunderstorm, an ice cream shop is not a bad place to get stuck! Our last stop was in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware where we were able to get together with the Cool and Krane families. It was great having the 7 cousins all together and we hope to make it a tradition in the years to come.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Tyler Steps Up

This weekend we caught Tyler in the act of taking some steps. He was getting around everywhere if he had a wall or something to hold on to but now stands and takes steps on his own. Just last night he walked from his room all the way into our bedroom to see Benjamin. When I said to Benjamin, "Look at Tyler walk!" he replied "Tyler does not walk he is just a baby". Although Benjamin might not agree here is the proof:

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Summer Cookouts & Car!

Team Goguen has been having lots of summer fun recently as we hosted a cookout the previous weekend, everyone including Daddy enjoyed the slip and slide! To celebrate the 4th of July we attended "Pops on the Park" with the Charlotte Symphony Thursday evening. Then on Friday, we went to the Burns Family cookout and ended the evening with some sparklers at home. Saturday morning Mom and Dad went off and traded in the CRV and upgraded to a new van the Honda Odessey. We are looking forward to traveling in style to Cape Cod this summer. We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable long weekend!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

June Fun

The month of June started with a typical Goguen road-trip to Herkimer NY with a stop in Washington DC on the way home to visit family and friends. Mom and Dad actually got to enjoy a night on the town in Herkimer where they actually closed the bar down! In DC the boys got to see Great-Nannie and meet cousin Johnny, and as a bonus had lunch with Aunt Claudia at Panera on our way out of town. Unfortunately Sara celebrated her birthday with a trip to the doctor when we returned home to treat a sinus infection. Since being home Benjamin attended "Bug Camp" at ImaginOn and Aunt Tami visited for week. We have been using the slip and slide and water ball to try and stay cool lately. Tyler has not started to walk, but appears to be making progress and I am sure he will surprise us soon.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tyler Turns One!

It's so hard to believe Tyler is one year old already, and before you know it, Benjamin will be turning 4! This past weekend was very fun-filled and busy! Earlier in the week, Jay's Mom arrived in town, and the boys enjoyed sharing Memere time and getting together with their cousin Emmi....On Friday night, My brother, a.k.a. "Uncle Pete" arrived from Pawley's Island, SC with his girlfriend Kristi, and her daughter Sophia who we absolutely adore! Also with them was my Mom, a.k.a. "Gaga" who flew into the beach to attend and celebrate my brother's baptism on Sunday! We had a lot of fun, as the boys and we always love spending time with family when they come to town!

The weather was absolutely beautiful on Saturday, which was Tyler's actual birthday! We began the day with Benjamin having a whole cheering section of his own at his morning soccer game, with all of our family from out of town, as well as Aunt "T" and cousin Emerson also rooting him on. Benjamin is continuing to warm up to it all, but once he is in there playing, he definitely enjoys himself as you can see from the photo! We are very proud of him, and just glad he is having fun! Later in the afternoon, we held the party (with family and our neighbor's The Creech's and the Dill's) outdoors since it was such a warm and beautiful day- as you can see, Tyler hung in with the big kids and enjoyed playing (and getting wet and dirty) at the sand and water table as a one-year old little boy should!

We need to remember to turn the camera the other way when shooting a video so you don't have to view it the mean time, since we don't know how to rotate it, please enjoy watching Tyler dig into his 1st birthday cake! He had no fear, and loved every bite! (as did his big brother!)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fun Fest

Last Friday Benjamin's Preschool held their annual Family Fun Fest, with this years theme being Kids Carnival. The boys got to enjoy some ice cream, even Tyler! Tyler enjoyed the petting zoo and Benjamin jumped in the bouncy with our neighbor Abby. Sara was heavily involved in the planning and the event raised over $11K for the preschool! We are now less than a month from celebrating Tyler's 1st birthday. On Monday Tyler will be getting tubes in his ears, we are hopeful they will help like they did for Benjamin. Benjamin will be playing his first soccer game on Saturday, Daddy will unfortunately miss due to his annual golf trip to Myrtle Beach.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March Madness

Well the boys continue to grow and amaze us every day. Tyler had a double ear infection which finally cleared after two rounds of antibiotics and a series of shots. As you can see in the video he now talks with his "MaMa"! Benjamin is getting ready to start playing soccer this spring which should be a lot of fun! We just spent the weekend visiting with Uncle Pete at the beach and Grampa is making a quick stop in Charlotte this weekend.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

February Update

Unfortunately February started with a Patriots Super Bowl loss, but we were dressed and ready for the game. Memere was in town and visited for a week, as always everyone had a great time. The boys have really enjoyed playing together as you can see in the video below. We were able to register the boys for school next year at St Stephens, Benjamin will continue to attend 4 days and Tyler will be in toddlers 2 days. This past weekend Benjamin had two big outings. First he went with Dad on Saturday to watch a benefit hockey game, his friend Will's Dad played in the game and his team won. Then on Sunday he went with Mom on a date to the play "If you give a Pig a Party!" He said it was very funny and that we need to write a new book, "If you give a Wolf a Waffle!"

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Tyler started his Kindermusik classes with Mommy today, as you can see he really enjoyed the scarves. Enjoy the video of Tyler as he attempts to ride his Tonka Truck and crawls...

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Tyler's two top teeth.

Benjamin eats Daddy's B-Day Cake

Just before Christmas Tyler was just starting to crawl, now just a few weeks later he has mastered crawling and started to stand! It is amazing to watch him crawl from the family room into the kitchen and from his bedroom into the bathroom when looking for Mommy! He also has added his top two teeth to match the lower two. Benjamin has been out of school this week due to a double ear infection, Tyler decided to join in with a ear infection today. We got an inch of snow in Charlotte last night, so Tyler has now seen his first snow fall although it is gone already! A quick side note: Sara PASSED her Clinical Social Work Exam this week which was a huge accomplishment, she put in a lot of dedicated studying over the past 6 weeks- YEAH!