Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Benjamin the Pirate and Tyler our precious Pea had a great time Trick or Treating in the neighborhood. Mom and Dad joined in and dressed as Sir Purr the Panther according to Benjamin and Curt Schilling, complete with a bloody sock! Benjamin really showed an interest this year leading his friends from house to house. He greeted those answering the door by saying "Happy Halloween" instead of Trick or Treat. Fun was had by all!


Anonymous said...

Great Family Portrait, everyone looks like they are having such a fun time. We cannot wait to see you guys again soon!

All our love,
Cory, Leslie and Cade

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys-
Look I'm posting on your site ;-)).
Chris and I both got a big kick out of your message last night.
We'll be calling you back soon to chat.
Hope you are all doing well...we miss you guys!! Give Benjamin and Tyler big hugs and kisses from us.