Thursday, June 26, 2008

June Fun

The month of June started with a typical Goguen road-trip to Herkimer NY with a stop in Washington DC on the way home to visit family and friends. Mom and Dad actually got to enjoy a night on the town in Herkimer where they actually closed the bar down! In DC the boys got to see Great-Nannie and meet cousin Johnny, and as a bonus had lunch with Aunt Claudia at Panera on our way out of town. Unfortunately Sara celebrated her birthday with a trip to the doctor when we returned home to treat a sinus infection. Since being home Benjamin attended "Bug Camp" at ImaginOn and Aunt Tami visited for week. We have been using the slip and slide and water ball to try and stay cool lately. Tyler has not started to walk, but appears to be making progress and I am sure he will surprise us soon.

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