Monday, September 29, 2008

Boys on the Run & Having Fun

Team Goguen has been busy with the boys being on the run & having fun! September began with the beginning of the school year for both Benjamin and Tyler- Benjamin is in the 4 day fours, and Tyler is in the Monday/Wednesday Toddler class. Both boys love their teachers and are enjoying all that preschool has to offer them! Benjamin is once again enjoying Spanish and has been practicing tracing his name, cutting and is very proud to have learned the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.......Tyler has been learning his colors and has been having fun making new friends and making pictures with markers and stickers......Both boys are benefiting from and enjoying My Gym, Science, Music and their all-time favorite part of the day: playing on the playground! When I pick them up, we always bring home lots of sand from the playground sandboxes :) Tyler as you can see from the pictures is literally on the run- running to and from, and is our definite boy with no fear- loves to climb and jump, but has no depth perception on the playground, which can be scary for Mom and Dad who have to be ready at any moment to catch him! It's cute though watching him crawl up on Benjamin's bed to snuggle with his big Bro! Tyler also recently got his 1st "big boy" haircut- Rodica who cuts Jason and Benjamin's hair too did a great job making sure he still had some of those cute curls in the back! Just as Benjamin did, the Barbershop was where Tyler experienced his first lollipop. Big Brother Benjamin was there to cheer Tyler on, and has been having fun playing with his friends, learning new games at home (Candy Land is still his favorite) and catching up with his cousin Emmi! Benjamin and Tyler love playing with their little cousin who is soon to be one-year old! We've all enjoyed visits from our friends Francesca and Scott, and Jason's cousins Elliot and Oliver, who Benjamin refers to as "the big guys." Jason has been extremely busy with work these days, working very long hours, so our weekends are very precious! I have resumed picking up some daytime hours at work on the days both boys are in school, along with Sundays and occasional week nights as I continue to work towards my license in Clinical Social Work. We are looking forward to some fun Fall activities and will keep you posted on them all!


The Utendorf's said...

I uutnderstand what you mean by a boy with no fear...Jamison is keeping us on our toes as well!!

Nic said...

I love TYler's big kid haircut...very cute!