Saturday, September 8, 2007

Brotherly Love...

As you can see from the photos, in the past month both Benjamin and Tyler have grown leaps and bounds, and continue to be quite affectionate with one another. Tyler continues to have the biggest smiles (will post more pictures next time of these) and could light up a room! He recognizes those closest to him and tells you so with his smiles and sounds! He is a "talking" machine these days, and we love all of the sounds, squeals, and coos that he makes- he's even started to giggle, which is fun! A few weeks ago, Tyler decided to roll over onto his side in his crib and that he likes sleeping that way, and you can see him doing it in one of the photos.
Benjamin began school this past week in the big 3year old classroom and has continued to be successfull at going on the potty! He is the best big brother and is always so excited to see Tyler when I pick him up in the afternoon- where I usually have to peel him off of Tyler so Tyler can catch his breath from all of the hugs, kisses and wet raspberries bestowed upon him!

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