Saturday, June 16, 2007


Benjamin has developed some interesting nicknames for Tyler lately. Sara and I figure that we would call him Ty, notibly after Ty Webb (Chevy Chase) from Caddyshack. Sara calls him Ty-Man and Benjamin has called him Ty-Lo (like J-Lo) and Ty-Lowey. The most interesting name came yesterday when Benjamin called him Donkey after the character from Shrek. The boys adore each other, when Benjamin is in the room Tyler always seems to follow his big brother around the room. As you can see they have started having tummy time together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, Jason & boys. Congratulations on the new baby. I received the announcement in the mail today, and he is adorable, just like his big brother. I was so glad to hear that Ronnie is out of hospital. Hope he will get well soon. By the way, Kelly got engaged a couple of weeks ago and will be getting married Feb 16th. Take care of yourself.

Love, Joni, Rick & Andrew